First Star ASU Academy Student Recommendation

We are delighted to invite you to recommend a talented youth in foster care to participate in the First Star Arizona State University Academy.

To the recommender:

Thank you for taking the time to provide your confidential insight and thoughts regarding this First Star – Arizona State University Academy applicant. The Academy is a free, comprehensive four-year college access program designed to provide youth in foster care with the academic support, encouragement, and enrichment needed to assist them in their college readiness journey.

The program engages a cohort of High School students in a variety of fun and active learning opportunities that include academic courses for college credit, independent studies, social and cultural activities, field trips, service learning, and recreational activities. In addition to a summer immersion program, students and their families will receive individual support during the academic year at monthly Saturday Academies, education advocacy, and caregiver workshops.

To recommend a student, please follow these steps:

Ensure your student meets the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Current dependency open case with the Arizona Department of Child Safety or Tribal Agency
  2. Able to participate in the three-week residential component at the university, and monthly Saturday sessions
  3. Maintain least a 2.0 GPA and good attendance
  4. Demonstrates maturity and potential to thrive in a college-prep setting

Ask your student to complete the student application.

Submit the recommendation via this web form

If you have any questions, email us at

Any adult involved in the student’s life, such as a teacher, counselor, social worker, mentor, pastor or attorney, should complete this section in confidence. Your insight will help us ensure the program is the right fit for your student. Once all applications are received, students selected for the program will be contacted for an interview before final selections are made.

Recommender's information
Recommendation form
Academic potential
Character and maturity
Ability to work with others
Overall recommendation
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