Family Ambassador Council Renewal Form 2025-2026

ASU Family Ambassador Council 
The ASU Family Ambassador Council is a committed group of parents and family members dedicated to advancing family engagement to drive the success of all Sun Devils in support of the Arizona State University Charter. We foster an inclusive family community through innovative programs, resource sharing and support for students and families as they create their own ASU experience.

Arizona State University Charter
ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.


Contact Information
Do you plan to continue your participation in the ASU Family Ambassador Council in the 2025-2026 year?:
Do you have any changes to make to your address or employment information?:
Student Information
Have you or will you have another student enroll at ASU in the fall semester?:
With which Academic College(s) is your student enrolled (check all that apply):
Is your student also enrolled in Barrett, the Honors College?:
Which is your student’s Primary Campus affiliation?:
Committee Interest
Are you interested in serving as a co-chair of a Committee? Each of the committees above will have two Co-Chairs to support its operations and success:

Family Ambassador Co-Chairs:

  • Schedule committee meetings to support participation across time zones
  • Participate monthly Committee Chair meetings with other committee chairs and ASU Family Staff
  • Offer updates to Family Leadership Council and ASU Family leaders
  • Prepare and distribute agenda, meeting minutes and other committee documents,
  • Collaborate with committee members to create action plans for goals, including resources, measures, and timeframes.
  • Keep track of tasks, minutes, deadlines, be flexible to additional meetings required
  • Liaise with ASU Family staff when resources are needed
  • Assist with the recruitment of members
Check all committees your be interested in Co-Chairing below:

Rate your experience and level of comfort 

1 being poor and 5 being excellent

Drafting agendas and leading meetings:
Hosting Zoom meetings:
Utilizing Google Drive:
Managing and organizing group projects:
Sign above
Pledge of Responsibilities and commitment


ASU Family Ambassador Council members serve as leaders in the ASU Family community and unofficial representatives of Arizona State University. By committing to the principles below members demonstrate their dedication to student success and the ASU Family community. This pledge signifies a shared commitment to the values and goals of the Council, creating a cohesive and unified foundation for collaborative decision-making and family leadership. Active participation in upholding these commitments not only strengthens individual connections but also contributes to the overall success and effectiveness of the Family Ambassador Council and is essential for maintaining good standing as a member of the Council. 

As a member of the ASU Family Ambassador Council, I pledge to:
Sign above