
Direct Connect provides an opportunity for families to connect one-on-one with a volunteer ASU Family Guide to:

  • Ask questions about their ASU experience,
  • Seek family-to-family advice or
  • Simply meet another family member from your area, your student’s college or with shared interests.

ASU Family Guides are family members of an ASU student or alum who volunteer to support the ASU Family community. Guides share their own experiences and all thoughts and opinions are their own. They will refer families to the appropriate staff as needed for further support.

Direct Connect does not provide information about housing assignments, financial aid packages, student grades or any information protected by FERPA or HIPAA. To contact ASU staff directly regarding official University information and questions, please email

Do you have more than one student at ASU?
Please indicate your interest areas below to get started. We will try to match shared interests and experiences as closely as possible to create a meaningful connection for your family. 'I would like to connect with an ASU Family Guide...'