GATE Fall 2024 Interest Form - New Applicants


This form collects preliminary information from students interested in participating in the GATE program. After submission, staff will schedule an intake interview to discuss program elements and fit for you as a student. Program fees will be assessed based on the services provided and are in addition to tuition and student fees.

This form must be completed by the student for an accurate determination of needs.


New Applicant Information
Do you accept text messages at this number?:
What is your best mode of communication? (Check all that apply):
Mailing Address:
Academic Program Status:
What campus are you registered on?:
Do you have one of the following disabilities? (diagnosed, self-diagnosed or in process of seeking diagnosis) (check all that apply):
Have you applied to SAILS for accommodations?:
Executive Function - Executive function is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. We use these skills every day to learn, work, and manage daily life. Everyone thinks differently and we are often strong in some areas but not so strong in other areas. Check any areas of Executive Function you would like help with: