ASU Global Guide Application

Welcome to the ASU Global Guides Program application.

For more information about the ASU Global Guide Program, please email

Personal Information

What is your Gender Identity?
Are you an international student?
What is your ASU Primary Campus?
Select your primary college affiliation
Prior Experience
Matching Information
Are you comfortable with being matched with someone of a different gender?
Are you comfortable with being matched with someone who is from a different country or speaks a different language than the country/language that you have experience with?

Rank the following activities with the number 1 being least interested and 5 being most interested.

General Information

General Information

All Global Guide mentors are required to attend a training session in August on the Tempe campus. Please confirm that you’re able to attend. If you’re unable to make the training, we will work with you to be trained before you begin as a mentor.
How did you hear about the ASU Global Guides program?
To be considered for the ASU Global Guides Program, please review and agree to the following