Request to be matched with an ASU Global Guide

Thank you for your interest in being matched with an ASU Global Guide.

This opportunity is for new international students at ASU.

For more information about the ASU Global Guides Program, please email

Is this your first semester seeking a degree from Arizona State University (ASU)?

Personal Information

What is your Gender Identity?

Campus and Academic Information

What is your ASU Primary Campus?
Select your primary college affiliation
Are you currently an undergraduate or graduate student?
Are you an exchange student (that is, here at ASU for only 1 or 2 semesters)?

Matching Information

In order to match you with a Global Guide who shares similar backgrounds,interests or values, below are questions that ask about the cultural/personal categories you most identify with.

Note: requests will be honored when possible but are not guaranteed.

Rank the following activities with the number 1 being least interested and 5 being most interested.

Are you comfortable with being matched with a Global Guide who is of a different gender?

Application Submission

To be a participant in the ASU Global Guides Program, please review and agree to the following

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Global Guide Mentoring Program. Since this is not your first semester as an ASU student, we encourage you to apply to be a Global Guide Mentor.