How will attendees be invited to the meeting?
How will RSVP’s be capped and what is the plan should a guest show up without one?
Will attendees be reminded of ASU COVID mitigation strategies such as a face covering will be required and to please stay home if not feeling well on appropriate communications and messaging?
Will there be any handouts or giveaways provided to attendees? If so how will it be done safely?
What is the plan for guest arrival to avoid congestion at the room entrance?
Will attendees be asked if they have completed the ASU Daily Health Check (ASU app) for the day?
Who will enforce wearing of face coverings?
Who will be checking people in on the mobile SunDevilSync app?
Rooms will be set per physical distancing protocol, who will make sure attendees do not move the furniture?
Who will be in charge of cleaning items touched by multiple people between uses (ex. podium, microphone)
Who will enforce no consumption of food or beverage in the space?
What is the plan to release attendees to avoid congestion at the room exit?
Who will notify ASU Student Health and the Dean of Students office if they become aware of potential exposure at the event?
Are there any additional safety measures you plan to implement not previously mentioned or other details you would like to include?