Community Action Planning Registration Form

The purpose of community action planning is twofold:

  1. To empower student organizations and chapters to implement internal, structural changes to prevent sexual and relationship violence and create survivor-supportive environments.
  2. To enable the SRVP team to better understand how to support different student communities in preventing violence. 

Student organizations and chapters can engage with this process by committing to a series of SRVP meetings and educational presentations that will result in a mutually agreed upon action plan to prevent violence and support survivors.

This plan will assist participants in laying out concrete next steps, similar to a to-do list, and evaluative metrics that will inform how the organization or chapter will work to prevent violence in a predetermined amount of time. 

Apply to be in the 2022-2023 cohort by completing and submitting the web form below.

For more information, contact

Are you a Barrett Student?:
Do you live in campus housing?:
Are you affiliated with a Greek Letter Organization?:
Are you involved with athletics?:
Please indicate below if you are affiliated with any of the below organizations or groups. Check as many as apply, or leave blank if none are applicable:
I understand