Express Yourself Program Series Interest Form

Join Culture@ASU to share your talents on the Memorial Union North Stage in our Express Yourself series! Express Yourself takes place every Monday class is in session from 11:30-1p.m. and features any and all talents-- music, dance, drama, live painting, juggling-- any way that you express yourself is welcome. Please complete the form below to share your interest and availability and the Culture@ASU Student Coordinator will be in touch to schedule your first performance. Contact with any questions.

At which location(s) are you interested in performing? Please check all that apply
Please select all dates that you/your group is available to perform. All dates are Mondays from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the MU North Stage.
Are You interested in performing in relation to any of ASU's heritage celebrations? If so, which one(s)