Submit Conditional Test Contact Information Name ASU ID Email Address Admit Term (First semester of enrollment at ASU) - Select -Spring 2018Summer 2018Fall 2018Spring 2019Summer 2019Fall 2019Spring 2020Summer 2020Fall 2020Spring 2021Summer 2021Fall 2021Spring 2022Summer 2022Fall 2022Spring 2023Summer 2023Fall 2023Spring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024 Primary Campus/Online - Select -Downtown Phoenix CampusLos Angeles CampusPolytechnic CampusTempe CampusWest Valley CampusOnlineSync Graduate/Undergraduate - Select -GraduateUndergraduateNon Degree seeking If you do not wish to restrict your student fee allocation for clubs and organizations, please indicate below: I do not wish to restrict my student fee allocation for any clubs or organizations. Designation of Restriction A complete listing of registered clubs and organizations at Arizona State University can be found by visiting the Sun Devil Sync website. Please use the section below to enter the student organizations or clubs from which you would like to restrict funding. Ensure you use the formal name of the club or organization as it appears in Sun Devil Sync: Clubs selection Clubs selection Clubs selection Item weight Add Additional clubs Additional clubs Confirmation By submitting this form, you confirm that you are an enrolled student at Arizona State University and that the selections made above reflect your preferences for the allocation of your student fees. Above reflect your preferences for the allocation of student fees to clubs and organizations for this semester.Note: This form is created to ensure compliance with HB 2178, allowing students to exercise their right to choose which university-recognized student organizations or clubs do not receive funding from their tuition and fees.If you chose to save your work and return to the form before submitting it, please make sure that you have logged in and authenticated on My ASU to save your progress. *Wrong block selected text* For more information on HB 2178 and how it affects your student fees please visit the Arizona House of Representatives website. Leave this field blank